Photo credit: Iris Chia
Writing Through Form: How Excellent Poems And Fictional Scenes Teach Us How To Read Them And Write Our Own
Cornelia Hoogland
Together we’ll consider how a poem and a short work of fiction show us how it wants to be read. Our goals will be to use either the poem or story as a template for our own writing. We’ll create a list of questions to ask as we write a draft in our chosen form. We’ll brainstorm possible scenes to fit the templates we’re borrowing, and we’ll write a poem or short scene. We’ll consider what to look for in other published work whose form excites or calls to us. This workshop is open to everybody who enjoys playful exploration of language and the forms of poetry and fiction.
Following the publication of eight poetry books, Cornelia Hoogland completed her first novel, Atmospheric River. She has published a graphic novel based on Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale she’s studied both academically and creatively. Trailer Park Elegy and Woods Wolf Girl were finalists for Canadian national awards. She was recent writer-in-residence for the Al Purdy A-Frame and the Whistler Festival. She’s the 2023 winner of the Colleen Thibaudeau Award for Excellence in Poetry given by the League of Canadian Poets. http://www.corneliahoogland.com
Cornelia is facilitating the workshop, Writing Through Form on Saturday September 14, at 2 pm.